Our Message of Solidarity

A Message from Mad Horse Theatre Company

Mad Horse Theatre Company stands in solidarity with those who have experienced racial violence and with those seeking a freer society through protest, outrage and art. We join with the voices of so many other theatres and arts institutions in condemning the ongoing violence committed against people of color and the systemic racism that enables this violence. The protests around the world in response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many others must happen if we are to move toward being a more equitable and free country.

We recognize that, as a theatre ensemble, we help shape the stories that form our local and national narrative. We also recognize that we need to do the work to ensure our organization and the theatre we produce reflects the diverse world around us. In that spirit, Mad Horse Theatre Company makes the following commitments:

- To provide a place for the voices of leaders, artists, and activists of color
- To continually educate ourselves on how we can combat racism locally, nationally, and within ourselves
- To prioritize our values of equity and inclusion in our organization and in our decision-making
- To listen, observe, and learn

If it is within your power, please join us in donating to some or all of the organizations listed below. Additionally, we have linked below some resources for education, action, advocacy, and self-care.

Action, Advocacy, and Education:

Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center (Portland, ME) - https://www.welcomeimmigrant.org/donate 
Indigo Arts Alliance (Portland, ME) - http://indigoartsalliance.me/donate/
Black Lives Matter - https://blacklivesmatter.com/
ACLU: https://www.aclu.org/issues/racial-justice

Mental Health Support:

Crisis Text Line - https://www.crisistextline.org/
NAMI Maine -https://www.namimaine.org/
Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation: https://borislhensonfoundation.org/

In health, solidarity, and love,

Mad Horse Theatre Company & Board

Sally Clark